Shutecombe Pedigree Jacobs & Dutch Spotted Sheep.
Broomfield Farm is a small farm based in East Sussex in Dallington near Heathfield run by the Gorringe family. Breeding two very interesting and different breeds, Dutch Spotted and Jacob sheep.
The aim of both flocks is to produce high – quality sheep, good quality meats, wool and sheepskins.
Jacob and Dutch spotted sheep are easy breeds to look after, they are very friendly and easily trained for the show ring also very independent in the field being able to look after and protect themselves, very strong breeds of sheep.

About us.
The Shutecombe flock was established with Jacob sheep in 2010 in Devon and started to join several county shows, being successful in a few.
After moving to East Sussex, the Gorringe family decided to add another flock, in 2019 the first flock of Dutch Spotted sheep arrived at Broomfield Farm. Both breeds have been fun to look after and breed from, producing many products from Jacob and Dutch Spotted sheep.

The Jacob Breed
The Jacob Sheep are possibly the oldest breed of sheep in the World. The name Jacob was taken from a shepherd who was described in one of the Bible stories. Their origins are possibly from Spain or South Africa. The Jacob was kept for centuries as a ‘Park Sheep’ to ornament the large estates of Landowners, by the end of the first World War, many of these flocks had disappeared and there were very few Jacob sheep. A small number of dedicated breeders and enthusiasts were determined to preserve the breed and in 1969 the Jacob Sheep Society was formed with 96 members and 2,700 registered sheep. Today the numbers have greatly increased.
The Jacob is a rare breed small black and white spotted fleece and always horned, with either two or four horns. The breed is easy going in nature and not as large as some commercial breeds. It should have a clear white blaze black cheeks and ears, their legs should be white and horns black.
They make fine protective mothers producing twins or maybe triplets or more. Ideal breed and popular for small holders wishing to keep a few sheep as handy lawn mowers. The Jacob sheepskin is truly a thing of beauty and a worthy addition to any home and each one unique.

The Dutch Spotted Breed
The Dutch Spotted Sheep is the latest breed to come into the UK, mainly from its native country, The Netherlands. This attractive looking and strikingly marked sheep with an impressive commercial carcass has attracted a lot of positive attention since its arrival on these shores. They are particularly attractive sheep to look at and while this is an added advantage to any breed, they are becoming established commercially, with great potential in the production of lambs and crossbred ewes. Commercial farmers and butchers are finding that they fit the bill and are increasingly sought after for commercial purposes.
Their good temperament and ease of management makes them a good choice for any pedigree breeder regardless of their flock size. They are great for any substantial farming system, but equally happy in a smallholding.

Latest News on the Flocks
For more information about our Quality products including Meat Wool and Sheepskins from the Shutecombe flocks…

The Jacob Breed

Shutecombe Pedigree Jacob Sheep
Shutecombe Flock is a small pedigree flock estabilished in 2010 the Gorringe family
The Dutch Spotted Breed

Shutecombe Pedigree Dutch spotted sheep
The Dutch Spotted sheep are as original as they come. Hailing from Holland, the breed can in fact, be traced back before World war one
Members of The Jacobs Sheep Society
Click the title link to visit their website.
Members of The Dutch Spotted Sheep Society
Click the title link to visit their website.
Contact Us
Please provide us with your full name, email address and brief message. We will aim to reply with in 24 hrs.
Visit Us
Broomfield Farm
South Lane
East Sussex TN21 9NJ
Contact us
01435 830621
07860 877240
Open Hours
M-F: By appointment
Sat: By appointment
Sun: By appointment